Golang library for reading configurations from JSON, YAML files, environment variables and command line.
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2017-12-13 10:39:18 +08:00
cli add comments 2017-12-12 16:00:34 +08:00
env add comments 2017-12-12 16:00:34 +08:00
test add comments 2017-12-12 16:00:34 +08:00
utils add comments 2017-12-12 16:00:34 +08:00
.gitignore Pre 1.0 version 2017-12-11 17:14:53 +08:00
config_test.go add comments 2017-12-12 16:00:34 +08:00
config.go add comments 2017-12-12 16:00:34 +08:00
LICENSE Initial commit 2017-12-06 17:11:17 +08:00
README.md Update README.md 2017-12-13 10:39:18 +08:00


config is a simple golang library and designed to read configurations from JSON, Yaml files, environment variables and command line. config depends on go-yaml to anlayze Yaml file and uses built-in golang library to handle JSON file.


  1. Install Yaml library first:
go get gopkg.in/yaml.v2
  1. Install config library:
go get github.com/eschao/config


I. Define configuration name in structure tags

Like JSON, Yaml, config uses tags to define configurations:

Tag Example Function
json Host string json:"host" Maps Host to a JSON field: host
yaml Host string yaml:"host" Maps Host to a Yaml field: host
env Host string env:"HOST" Maps Host to a Environment variable: HOST
cli Host string cli:"host database host" Maps Host to a command line argument: -host or --host
default Port int default:"8080" Defines the port with default value: 8080
separator Path string json:"path" separator:";" Separator is used to split string to a slice

1. Data types

config supports the following golang data types:

  • bool
  • string
  • int8, int16, int, int32, int64
  • uint8, uint16, uint, uint32, uint64
  • float32, float64
  • slice type. e.g: []string, []int ...

2. Defines default values

Using default keyword in structure tags to define default value:

  type Log struct {
    Path  string `default:"/var/logs"`
    Level string `default:"debug"`

3. Defines configruation name for JSON

Like parsing JSON object, using json keyword to define configuration name:

  type Database struct {
    Host string     `json:"host"`
    Port int        `json:"port"`
    Username string `json:"username" default:"admin"`
    Password string `json:"password" default:"admin"`
    Log Log         `json:"log"`

Corresponding JSON file:

   "host": "test.db.hostname",
   "port": 8080,
   "username": "amdin",
   "password": "admin"
   "log": {
     "path": "/var/logs/db",
     "level": "debug"

4. Defines configuration name for Yaml

Like parsing Yaml object, using yaml keyword to define configuration name

  type Database struct {
    Host string     `yaml:"host"`
    Port int        `yaml:"port"`
    Username string `yaml:"username" default:"admin"`
    Password string `yaml:"password" default:"admin"`
    Log Log         `yaml:"log"`

Corresponding Yaml file:

 host: test.db.hostname
 port: 8080
 username: amdin
 password: admin
   path: /var/logs/db
   level: debug

5. Defines configuration name for Environment variable

Using env keyword to define configuration name

  type Database struct {
    Host string     `env:"DB_HOST"`
    Port int        `env:"DB_PORT"`
    Username string `env:"DB_USER" default:"admin"`
    Password string `env:"DB_PASSWORD" default:"admin"`
    Log Log         `env:"DB_LOG_"`

Corresponding Environment variables:

 export DB_HOST=test.db.hostname
 export DB_PORT=8080
 export DB_USER=admin
 export DB_PASSWORD=admin
 export DB_LOG_PATH=/var/logs/db
 export DB_LOG_LEVEL=debug

Since the Log is a structure and nested in Database structure, the tag of Log and tags of its structure members will be combined to be an unique environment variable, for example: Path will be mapped to environment var: DB_LOG_PATH. But if the Log has no tag defination, only tags of its structure members will be used, that means the Path will be mapped to PATH.

6. Defines configuration name for Command line

Using cli keyword to define configuration name

  type Database struct {
    Host string     `cli:"host database host name"`
    Port int        `cli:"port database port"`
    Username string `cli:"username database username" default:"admin"`
    Password string `cli:"password database password" default:"admin"`
    Log Log         `cli:"log database log configurations"`

Corresponding command line:

  ./main -host test.db.hostname -port 8080 -username admin -password admin log -path /var/logs/db -level debug


  ./main -host=test.db.hostname -port=8080 -username=admin -password=admin log -path=/var/logs/db -level=debug

7. Defines configuration name as a slice type

Using separator to split string as a slice:

  type Log struct {
    Levels []string `env:"LEVELS" cli:"levels log levels" separator:";"`

If the separator is not given, its default is :, The separator only works on env and cli tags

  logConfig := Log{}
  // export LEVELS=debug;error;info
  // logConfig[0] == debug
  // logConfig[1] == error
  // logConfig[2] == info

II. Parses configurations

1. Parses default values

When default values are defined in tags, calls config.ParseDefault(interface{}) to assign them to given structure instance BEFORE parsing any other configuration types:

  logConfig := Log{}

Note: Other parsing functions won't set structure instance with default values whatever if the configuration value is provided or not

2. Parses from Environment variables

  dbConfig := Database{}

3. Parses from Command line

  dbConfig := Database{}

4. Parses from default configuration files

Calls ParseConfigFile(interface{}, string) to parse given configuration file:

  dbConfig := Database{}
  config.ParseConfigFile(&dbConfig, "config.json")

If the configuration file is not given, the default configuration files: config.json and config.yaml will be located under the same folder with fixed searching order.

The config.json will be always first located, if it doesn't exist, then checks config.yaml. If all of them are not found, parsing will fail.

  dbConfig := Database{}
  config.ParseConfigFile(&dbConfig, "")

4. Parses from configuration file specified by command line

Calls ParseConfig(interface{}, string) to parse the configuration file given by command line. The second parameter is a command line argument which is used to specifiy config file:

  dbConfig := Database{}
  config.ParseConfig(&dbConfig, "c")

Run application like:

  ./main -c config.json

ParseConfig() will analyze command line argument and extract config.json from argument -c